Saturday, October 15, 2011

Survey of Microprocessor R & D Trend (Part-I, 2011)

I recently launched a general survey of CPU industry. The main purpose was to understand the overall trend where the microprocessor industry is heading. Last month, the population of this planet just reached 7 billion with a growth rate of 1 billion every 12 years. The forecast of the PC market shows the demand is slowing down, so, where and how do people use computing power? The recent computer technology seems heading toward two ends : cloud computing and more powerful personal computing. The later development, especially those for smart phones, tablets, seems to have great potential to take over some market shares of the traditional PC and laptop computing. 
This survey is divided as follows:
  • Part-I (General): General survey through reviewing the topics of reputable journals, reports for past three years.
  • Part-II (Academia): General survey through reviewing the reputable Universities' research focus
  • Part-III (Industry): Deeper study of the product roadmaps of major companies that develop microprocessor products.
  • Part-IV (Government Funding): Interesting enough, quite some giants started out with the support of government funding. Government looks at the need in next decade and developments needed for them. How can we not pay an eye do what the government sees?
Summary (Part-I Survey)
  1. 3-D Tri-gate Transistor: According to Intel's Tick-Tock model, 2011 is the year the semiconductor industry migrates to 22nm process. One noticeable development is that Intel commercializes the "Ivy Bridge" CPU using Tri-gate transistor. It was claimed that the new tranistor can achieve 33% performance gain and saves more than 50% in power consumption. The 3D stacking microprocessor technology also receives some attentions.
  2. Multi-Core and Large-Scale Systems: the multi-core and large-scale systems with many cores SoCs are getting popular since 2006. More and more commercial products hit the market after 2007. ARM and MIPS architectures follow the same trend and are vigorously establishing their position in multi-core and multi-threading domain. Some SoC chips with  multi-core ARMs were seen in the past two years. The studies and techniques of cache coherence, memory consistency and interconnects for muti-core systems attracted many attentions, especially for the integration for hetrogenous architecture and leveraging existing IPs.
  3. Video/Graphics: as the trend of consumer electronics become more powerful, the demand of video/graphics computing rises. The discussion of "GPU v.s. CPU" becomes a hot topic. More video processing logic/algorithms or supporting hardware are integrated into the microprocessor design, e.g. SIMD instructions, Vector extension, Video codecs are embedded in Intel's Ivy Bridge micro-architecture (2012).
References & Method:
This article is the Part-I of the survey for recent microprocessor R&D trends. The journal and report used for this study are:
  1. IEEE Micro: the "IEEE Micro" fucus on the research and trend of computer and peripherals. It publishes bi-monthly issues (total 6 per year). Each year, it follows some traditions - the first issue of the year selects the "top-picks" for the research papers of previous year. The second issue usually reviews the HotChip topics/papers, which provides more connections to the industrial CPU projects. For the rest issues of the year, the papers are selected for the major hot topics of the year.
  2. Microprocessor Report: the MPR has been a leading technical publication of the CPU industry. It publishes weekly and balances the topics between company focus, development and technology trends. Compared to IEEE MIcro, it provides more insights of the companies of CPU industry where they are heading.
This study intends to explore the overall trends of recent microprocessor developments. Readers are encouraged to dive into the original publications for more details from the two institute listed above.
  • IEEE Micro (2009-2011)
Date Category Tile
Sep-11 GPU/Hetrogeneous CPUs and GPUs: Who Owns the Future?
CPUs, GPUs, and Hybrid Computing
Multi-GPU DGEMM and High Performance Linpack on Highly Energy-Efficient Clusters
Implementing Domain-Specific Languages for Heterogeneous Parallel Computing 
Medical Ultrasound Imaging: To GPU or Not to GPU?
Performance Implications of Nonuniform Device Topologies in Scalable Heterogeneous Architectures
Jul-11 Big Chips Big Chips
Toward Dark Silicon in Servers
Scaling with Design Constraints: Predicting the Future of Big Chips
Rigel: A 1,024-Core Single-Chip Accelerator Architecture
MOPED: Accelerating Data Communication on Future CMPs
Physical Synthesis with Clock-Network Optimization for Large Systems on Chips 
Attaining Single-Chip, High-Performance Computing through 3D Systems with Active Cooling 
May-11 Very Large Scale Very Large-Scale Systems and Some History
Systems for Very Large-Scale Computing 
Overcoming Communication Latency Barriers in Massively Parallel Scientific Computation
CogniServe: Heterogeneous Server Architecture for Large-Scale Recognition
Simulating Whole Supercomputer Applications 
Automated Full-System Power Characterization
Energy-Aware Accounting and Billing in Large-Scale Computing Facilities 
Resource Management on Multicore Systems: The ACTORS Approach
Temperature-Aware Architecture: Lessons and Opportunities 
Mar-11 HotChip22 Jose Renau, University of California, Santa CruzHot Chips 22 
Bulldozer: An Approach to Multithreaded Compute Performance
Bobcat: AMD's Low-Power x86 Processor 
The zEnterprise 196 System and Microprocessor 
Beyond Traditional Microprocessors for Geoscience High-Performance Computing Applications
Fermi GF100 GPU Architecture
Introducing the Adaptive Energy Management Features of the Power7 Chip
IBM Power Edge of Network Processor: A Wire-Speed System on a Chip 
The GreenDroid Mobile Application Processor: An Architecture for Silicon's Dark Future
Jan-11 Top Picks Top Picks (11 top-pick paper from 2010)
Virtualized ECC: Flexible Reliability in Main Memory 
Voltage Noise in Production Processors
Aérgia: A Network-on-Chip Exploiting Packet Latency Slack 
Cohesion: An Adaptive Hybrid Memory Model for Accelerators
Data Marshaling for Multicore Systems 
ReMAP: A Reconfigurable Architecture for Chip Multiprocessors
Thread Cluster Memory Scheduling
Coordinating DRAM and Last-Level-Cache Policies with the Virtual Write Queue
CHOP: Integrating DRAM Caches for CMP Server Platforms 
Address Translation Aware Memory Consistency
Security Refresh: Protecting Phase-Change Memory against Malicious Wear Out 
Nov-10 Chip Design Rethinking Digital Design: Why Design Must Change
Performance and Energy Implications of Many-Core Caches for Throughput Computing
Putting Faulty Cores to Work
Fast, Accurate, and Validated Full-System Software Simulation of x86 Hardware
Workload Reduction and Generation Techniques
Energy-Efficient Fast Fourier Transforms for Cognitive Radio Systems 
Sep-11 Multi-Core Multicore: The View from Europe
ArchExplorer for Automatic Design Space Exploration
The SARC Architecture
Explicit Communication and Synchronization in SARC
Parallel Programming Models for Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures
SARC Coherence: Scaling Directory Cache Coherence in Performance and Power
Merasa: Multicore Execution of Hard Real-Time Applications Supporting Analyzability
The Velox Transactional Memory Stack
HArtes: Hardware-Software Codesign for Heterogeneous Multicore Platforms
European Multicore Processing Projects
Jul-10 Data Center Server Engineering Insights for Large-Scale Online Services
Challenges and Opportunities for Extremely Energy-Efficient Processors
The Case for Full-Throttle Computing: An Alternative Datacenter Design Strategy
Scale-Out Networking in the Data Center 
Ethernet for High-Performance Data centers: On the New IEEE Datacenter Bridging Standards 
Rethinking Flash in the Data Center
Transformer: A New Paradigm for Building Data-Parallel Programming Models
Google-Wide Profiling: A Continuous Profiling Infrastructure for Data Centers 
Can Subthreshold and Near-Threshold Circuits Go Mainstream? 
May-10 Simulation Future Directions in Computer Architecture Research
The Future of Architectural Simulation 
Programming Multicores: Do Applications Programmers Need to Write Explicitly Parallel Programs?
Fine-Grained Activation for Power Reduction in DRAM
Tuple Pruning Using Bloom Filters for Packet Classification
3D Stacked Microprocessor: Are We There Yet?
Mar-10 HotChip21 Guest Editors' Introduction: Hot Chips 21 
Power7: IBM's Next-Generation Server Processor
Cache Hierarchy and Memory Subsystem of the AMD Opteron Processo
Sparc64 VIIIfx: A New-Generation Octocore Processor for Petascale Computing
Ubiquitous Parallel Computing from Berkeley, Illinois, and Stanford
The GPU Computing Era 
Instruction Set Innovations for the Convey HC-1 Computer 
Silicon MEMS Oscillators for High-Speed Digital Systems
Jan-10 Top Picks iCFP: Tolerating All-Level Cache Misses in In-Order Processors 
Near-Optimal Cache Block Placement with Reactive Nonuniform Cache Architectures
A Task-Centric Memory Model for Scalable Accelerator Architectures
DMP: Deterministic Shared-Memory Multiprocessing
Making Address-Correlated Prefetching Practical 
Accelerating Critical Section Execution with Asymmetric Multicore Architectures
Per-Thread Cycle Accounting
AnySP: Anytime Anywhere Anyway Signal Processing
Gate-Level Information-Flow Tracking for Secure Architectures
Predicting Voltage Droops Using Recurring Program and Microarchitectural Event Activity
Architectural Implications of Nanoscale-Integrated Sensing and Computing
Gordon: An Improved Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications
Phase-Change Technology and the Future of Main Memory
Nov-09 Cool Chips Domain Partitioning Technology for Embedded Multicore Processors
A Full HD Multistandard Video Codec for Mobile Applications
Real-Time Object Recognition with Neuro-Fuzzy Controlled Workload-Aware Task Pipelining
Architecture Design of Versatile Recognition Processor for Sensornet Applications
A QVGA-Size Pixel-Parallel Image Processor for 1,000-fps Vision
Sep-09 Dynamic Multicore Resource Management: A Machine Learning Approach
A Benchmark Characterization of the EEMBC Benchmark Suite
Real-Time Operating Systems for Small Microcontrollers
Memory Built-in Self Test in Multicore Chips with Mesh-Based Networks
Hardware-Software Codesign for High-Speed Signature-based Virus Scanning
Jul-09 Interconnect Building Many-Core Processor-to-DRAM Networks with Monolithic CMOS Silicon Photonics
Practical High-Throughput Crossbar Scheduling
Express Virtual Channels with Capacitively Driven Global Links
A High-Speed Optical Multidrop Bus for Computer Interconnections 
Photonic NoCs: System-Level Design Exploration
May-09 Embedded Multicore Processors and Systems 
Maintaining I/O Data Coherence in Embedded Multicore Systems
Double-Data-Rate, Wave-Pipelined Interconnect for Asynchronous NoCs
MPA: Parallelizing an Application onto a Multicore Platform Made Easy
Software Standards for the Multicore Era
Memory Subsystems in High-End Routers
Mar-09 HotChip20 Rock: A High-Performance Sparc CMT Processor
Godson-3: A Scalable Multicore RISC Processor with x86 Emulation
Broadcom mediaDSP: A Platform for Building Programmable Multicore Video Processors
A New 40-nm FPGA and ASIC Common Platform
Voice Processors Based on the Human Hearing System
Jan-09 Top Picks Larrabee: A Many-Core x86 Architecture for Visual Computing
Parallelism-Aware Batch Scheduling: Enabling High-Performance and Fair Shared Memory Controllers 
Cost-Efficient Dragonfly Topology for Large-Scale Systems
Server Designs for Warehouse-Computing Environments
Using Intradisk Parallelism to Build Energy-Efficient Storage Systems
Flexible Hardware Acceleration for Instruction-Grain Lifeguards
Atom-Aid: Detecting and Surviving Atomicity Violations
SoftSig: Software-Exposed Hardware Signatures for Code Analysis and Optimization
Trading Off Cache Capacity for Low-Voltage Operation
Mixed-Signal Approximate Computation: A Neural Predictor Case Study
Temperature Variation Characterization and Thermal Management of Multicore Architectures
Revival: A Variation-Tolerant Architecture Using Voltage Interpolation and Variable Latency

  • Microprocessor Report (2009-2011, Listed by Company/Category)

Date Category Tile
13-Jun-11 Adapteva Adapteva: More Flops, Less Watts
31-Oct-11 Altera Altera's Answer to Zynq
16-May-11 Altera In Brief: Altera Debuts MIPS CPU for FPGAs
25-Oct-10 Altera Altera Adds CPUs for FPGAs
22-Aug-11 AMD In Brief: AMD Gives Brazos a Boost
8-Aug-11 AMD AMD's Reinvention Continues
4-Jul-11 AMD AMD's 32nm Fusion Roadmap
7-Feb-11 AMD In Brief: AMD's Bobcat Prowls Embedded
31-Jan-11 AMD Editorial: AMD At a Crossroads
13-Dec-10 AMD AMD's Fusion Finally Arrives
30-Aug-10 AMD AMD Bulldozer Plows New Ground
30-Aug-10 AMD AMD's Bobcat Snarls at Atom
9-Aug-10 AMD Opteron 4100 Is Cool for Clouds
22-Aug-11 Apple In Brief: Apple A6 Delayed for TSMC 28nm
30-May-11 Apple Apple A5 Adds New Features
26-Apr-10 Apple Why Apple Wants Intrinsity
26-May-09 Apple Why Apple Feels Chipper
14-Nov-11 AppliedMicro AppliedMicro Adds ARM for Servers
18-Oct-10 AppliedMicro AppliedMicro Adds Multicore
5-Jul-10 AppliedMicro In Brief: AppliedMicro Sinks Titan-IC
24-May-10 AppliedMicro AppliedMicro Raises the Volume
7-Nov-11 ARM ARM Pairs Cortex-A7 With A15
10-Oct-11 ARM In Brief: Cortex-M4F MCUs Hit 168MHz
20-Jun-11 ARM In Brief: ARM CPU Secures APM Processor
21-Feb-11 ARM ARM Expands Cortex-R Family
22-Nov-10 ARM Cortex-A15 "Eagle" Flies the Coop
13-Sep-10 ARM In Brief: ARM Launches Cortex A-15
2-Aug-10 ARM In Brief: Microsoft to Extend ARM
21-Jun-10 ARM In Brief: ARM Unaffected by Virage Acquisition
12-Apr-10 ARM ARM’s Digital Signal Controller
26-Oct-09 ARM ARM's Midsize Multiprocessor
27-Jul-09 ARM Hot-Rodding the Cortex-A8
2-Mar-09 ARM ARM's Smallest Thumb
18-Oct-10 Armada Armada 628 Sails Into Mobile Lead
26-Sep-11 Broadcom Broadcom to Acquire NetLogic
14-Mar-11 Broadcom Broadcom's Mobile-Processor Magic
22-Nov-10 Broadcom Broadcom Shows Off New CPU
5-Jan-09 Cadence Cadence Speeds up Bridge to the Real World
7-Nov-11 Calxeda Calxeda Spins 4W Server-on-a-Chip
10-Oct-11 Cavium Cavium Adds DSP for Small Cells
5-Sep-11 Cavium In Brief: Cavium Adds Search Coprocessors
15-Nov-10 Cavium Cavium Completes Octeon II Line
31-May-10 Cavium Cavium Pushes Octeon to 32 CPUs
7-Feb-11 Ceva In Brief: Ceva Adds Caches to TeakLite-III
8-Nov-10 Ceva Ceva Trains DSP Guns on TI
5-Sep-11 Cortina In Brief: Cortina Processor Opens Gateways
27-Jun-11 Ezchip EZchip NP-5 Targets 200Gbps
27-Jun-11 Freescale Freescale Amplifies QorIQ Family
25-Apr-11 Freescale Freescale's i.MX6 Graphically Detailed
21-Feb-11 Freescale Freescale Cues CPU-DSP Hybrid
10-Jan-11 Freescale i.MX6 Brings Quad Cores to Mobile
27-Dec-10 Freescale Editorial: Freescale Regains Its Mojo
29-Nov-10 Freescale In Brief: Freescale Extends QorIQ P1 Series
15-Nov-10 Freescale In Brief: New i.MX536 Heads for Detroit
6-Sep-10 Freescale Freescale Upgrades QorIQ
19-Jul-10 Freescale Freescale Adds Intelligence to Sensors
5-Jul-10 Freescale Freescale P5 Raises QorIQ's I.Q.
28-Jun-10 Freescale Freescale Adopts ARM for MCUs
3-Oct-11 Haswell In Brief: Haswell Premieres at IDF
12-Sep-11 IBM Blue Gene/Q Is Super Efficient
17-Oct-11 Intel Ivy Bridge Improves Graphics
3-Oct-11 Intel In Brief: Xeon E5: Waiting for Ignition
3-Oct-11 Intel In Brief: Intel's NTV Technology Saves Energy
29-Aug-11 Intel AVX2 Refreshes x86 Architecture
1-Aug-11 Intel In Brief: Intel Gains Leverage With Fulcrum
18-Jul-11 Intel In Brief: Intel Shows MIC Progress
6-Jun-11 Intel In Brief: Intel Revamps Roadmaps
30-May-11 Intel Intel Retools Its Business Machine
30-May-11 Intel Editorial: Intel Should Break Up
23-May-11 Intel Intel Sprouts Fins at 22nm
4-Apr-11 Intel Intel Developing Atom for Servers
21-Mar-11 Intel New Itanium for 32nm and Beyond
24-Jan-11 Intel In Brief: Intel Launches Sandy Bridge
13-Dec-10 Intel In Brief: Intel Debuts ASIC Alternative
15-Nov-10 Intel Editorial: Intel Eyes Foundry Market
27-Sep-10 Intel Sandy Bridge Spans Generations
20-Sep-10 Intel In Brief: Intel Unveils Atom E6xx, Westmere-EX
2-Aug-10 Intel Intel Shakes Up Cellular Market
14-Jun-10 Intel In Brief: Intel Adapts Larrabee for HPC
31-May-10 Intel Intel Cuts Atom's Power
24-Aug-09 Intel Intel Defends x86 Strategy
17-Aug-09 Intel Editorial: Intel, M.D.
30-Mar-09 Intel Intel Will Customize Atom
17-Feb-09 Intel How Intel Got Big
17-Feb-09 Intel Viewpoint: Can Detroit Emulate Intel?
14-Jun-10 Kilopass Kilopass Brings Gusto to Memory
24-Jan-11 Lantiq In Brief: Lantiq Networks the Home
28-Feb-11 LSI LSI Expands Its Axxia Family
13-Dec-10 Marvel Marvell Lands a Quad
26-Jul-10 Marvel Cavium, Marvell, NetLogic Gain Share
14-Mar-11 MediaTek In Brief: MediaTek Continues Smartphone Push
16-Nov-09 MicroMIPS MicroMIPS Crams Code
12-Sep-11 Micron Micron Reinvents DRAM Memory
24-Jan-11 Microsoft Microsoft Redefines PC Processors
29-Jun-09 Microsoft Microsoft Shows Natal to TV Audiences
15-Jun-09 Microsoft Microsoft Announces Natal
4-Apr-11 MIPS In Brief: MIPS Will License 64-Bit CPUs (Again)
11-Oct-10 MIPS MIPS Boosts Multiprocessing
13-Jul-09 MIPS China Gets Right With MIPS
16-May-11 MoSys MoSys Innovates Networking Memory
29-Aug-11 Movidius Movidius Powers 3D Video
14-Mar-11 MWC In Brief: MWC Highlights 2x2 Wi-Fi, Glonass
10-Oct-11 NetLogic NetLogic's XLP II Grows More CPUs
12-Sep-11 NetLogic In Brief: NetLogic Previews 28nm XLP II
25-Apr-11 NetLogic NetLogic Doubles Up XLP
14-Feb-11 NetLogic NetLogic's Upgrade for Base Stations
26-Jul-10 Netlogic NetLogic Broadens XLP Family
28-Feb-11 Nokia In Brief: How Windows Changes Nokia
16-May-11 Nvidia In Brief: Nvidia Picks Up the Phone
2-May-11 Oak In Brief: Oak Trail Leads Intel to Tablets
28-Sep-09 Opys Opus à Montreal
19-Sep-11 Oracle Oracle Extends SPARC Commitment
22-Feb-10 Oracle Editorial: Sun Fades Into Oracle’s Orbit
2-Nov-09 Phoenix Phoenix's One-Second Boot
21-Jun-10 Plurality Plurality Gets Ambitious with 256 CPUs
16-Aug-10 PowerPC PowerPC Covers the Highs and Lows
7-Nov-11 Qualcomm Qualcomm Gaining Processor Share
31-Oct-11 Qualcomm Qualcomm Aims Hexagon at Femtocells
22-Aug-11 Qualcomm In Brief: Qualcomm Extends Snapdragon Brand
24-Jan-11 Qualcomm In Brief: Qualcomm Solves Wi-Fi Problem
22-Mar-10 Qualcomm Snapdragon Success
24-Oct-11 Samsung In Brief: Samsung Moves Exynos to 32nm
11-Jul-11 Spreadtrum In Brief: Spreadtrum Gets 3G Technology
13-Jun-11 ST ST Thrusts into Embedded Processing
13-Jun-11 SuVolta In Brief: SuVolta Shrinks Transistor Power
29-Mar-10 Tabula Tabula’s Time Machine
21-Mar-11 Tensilica Tensilica DSP Targets LTE Advanced
30-Nov-09 Tensilica Tensilica Tweaks Xtensa
10-Aug-09 Tensilica Tensilica Plays Baseband
21-Mar-11 Thunderbolt Thunderbolt Accelerates PC I/O
14-Nov-11 TI In Brief: TI's Affordable Cortex-A8 SoCs
15-Aug-11 TI Editorial: TI Faces OMAP Decision
27-Jun-11 TI TI Tackles Small Base Stations
27-Jun-11 TI In Brief: OMAP 4470 Improves CPU, Graphics
7-Mar-11 TI In Brief: TI Accelerates Video Processors
22-Feb-11 TI TI Previews 28nm OMAP5
27-Dec-10 TI In Brief: OMAP4 Revs Up to 1.5GHz
13-Dec-10 TI In Brief: TI, Freescale Battle for Base Stations
1-Nov-10 TI TI Announces 1.5GHz ARM MCUs
21-Dec-09 TI TI Adds 31 New Stars
9-Nov-09 TI More Applications for OMAP4
25-Jul-11 Tilera Tilera Sees Opening in Clouds
30-May-11 Via In Brief: Via's First Quad-Core x86 Processor
24-Jan-11 Via Via Doubles Down at CES
7-Mar-11 Xilinx Xilinx ReARMs FPGAs
16-May-11 Xtensa Xtensa Extends Instructions to 128 Bits
24-Oct-11 Architecture Editorial: Virtualization Alternatives Emerge
19-Sep-11 Architecture Godson-T Weaves Threads
18-Jul-11 Architecture History of the Microprocessor, Part 2
27-Jun-11 Architecture Editorial: CPUs Become Specialized
25-Apr-11 Architecture Search Coprocessors Route Packets
21-Mar-11 Architecture Editorial: Core Wars Reach Phones
17-Jan-11 Architecture CPU-IP Cores Fight for Dominance
27-Dec-10 Architecture DRAM+CPU Hybrid Breaks Barriers
27-Sep-10 Architecture Godson-3 Adds Vector Extensions
28-Jun-10 Architecture Editorial: RISC Versus CISC Redux
21-Jun-10 Architecture New Processors Target Data Centers
16-Feb-10 Architecture The Rise of Licensable SMP
1-Feb-10 Architecture Server Processors: Chapter 2009 (Part 2)
25-Jan-10 Architecture Server Processors: Chapter 2009 (Part 1)
19-Jan-10 Architecture ARC 601 Gets Small
5-Oct-09 Architecture Looking Beyond Graphics
26-May-09 Architecture Editorial: Are Configurable Cores General-Purpose Architectures?
27-Apr-09 Architecture Going Parallel With Prism
13-Apr-09 Architecture A Radio for Every MCU
2-Mar-09 Architecture How to Avoid the Traps and Pitfalls of SOC Design: Part 2
23-Feb-09 Architecture How to Avoid the Traps and Pitfalls of SOC Design: Part 1
23-Feb-09 Architecture Editorial: What Security? Processors, Software, and the Human Factor
9-Feb-09 Architecture Processor Design Mistakes, Part 11
26-Jan-09 Architecture Server Processors: Chapter 2008 (Part 2)
26-Jan-09 Architecture Editorial: More Computers, Less Security
20-Jan-09 Architecture Server Processors: Chapter 2008 (Part 1)
12-Jan-09 Architecture Processor Design Mistakes, Part 10
27-Dec-10 Technology 3D Packaging Gains Momentum
20-Dec-10 Technology In Brief: First PacketPro Chips Debut
25-Oct-10 Technology Editorial: Moving Up the Food Chain
27-Sep-10 Technology GlobalFoundries Pushes Boundaries
27-Sep-10 Technology Editorial: What Is a Microprocessor?
23-Aug-10 Technology Editorial: How to Blow $100M
26-Jul-10 Technology Editorial: The Race to the Bottom
19-Jul-10 Technology Two-Headed Snapdragon Takes Flight
19-Jul-10 Technology Tears for Tier Logic
24-May-10 Technology Editorial: Getting the Band Back Together
30-Apr-10 Technology Smartphone Spectrum Disorder
26-Apr-10 Technology The Single-Chip Cloud Computer
29-Mar-10 Technology Market Watch: The Future of 3D TV
29-Mar-10 Technology In Memoriam: Ellen Clements
25-Jan-10 Technology Editorial: Simplicity Itself
28-Dec-09 Technology YouTube Energizes Engineering
28-Dec-09 Technology Editorial: Augmented Reality—and Larrabee
14-Dec-09 Technology CPU Marketing: The Next Frontier
12-Oct-09 Technology Editorial: Defining the ASSP
28-Sep-09 Technology Editorial: Picoprojectors Hit the Mainstream
14-Sep-09 Technology Summer Shopping Spree
8-Sep-09 Technology Market Watch: Bluetooth 3.0 is Coming
31-Aug-09 Technology The Next System Node
20-Jul-09 Technology Editorial: Software Wars
13-Jul-09 Technology Wi-Fi Radio Receives Custom ISA
13-Jul-09 Technology Market Watch: Here Comes the Media Phone
29-Jun-09 Technology Editorial: Tough Times Bring Change
18-May-09 Technology Book Review: Analog Circuits
11-May-09 Technology Itty-Bitty 32-Bitters
27-Apr-09 Technology Editorial: Complexity Brings Change
20-Apr-09 Technology The Magical Magnetic Wand
30-Mar-09 Technology Editorial: Memory: The Elephant in the Room
16-Mar-09 Technology Market Watch: Global Semiconductor Outlook
9-Mar-09 Technology The Buffet at the MGM Grand
2-Feb-09 Technology Market Watch: Flash Resists Recession
12-Sep-11 Technology Editorial: Ultrabooks Drive Innovation
18-Jul-11 Technology Editorial: 100 Billion Transistors Ahead
18-Apr-11 Technology The 28nm Turning Point
18-Apr-11 Technology Editorial: Semi Funding Returns
14-Feb-11 Technology Editorial: Post-PC Era? Not Again!
11-Jul-11 Embedded Embedded Processor Market Up 31%
30-May-11 Embedded Visual Computing Becomes Embedded
9-May-11 Embedded In Brief: Embedded Memory Shrinks to 40nm
21-Mar-11 Embedded Renesas Mobile Targets #1 Spot
7-Mar-11 Embedded Mobile Processors Multiply at MWC
31-Jan-11 Embedded Embedded Rollouts Continue in 2010
4-Jan-10 Embedded Year of the Microcontroller
23-Nov-09 Embedded Editorial: Fine-Tuning the SoC
22-Jun-09 Embedded PCB/FPGA Codesign Opens System Future
8-Jun-09 Embedded EEMBC's Dhrystone Killer

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